2023 Fall Decorating Contest

2023 Fall Decorating Flyer

To participate we ask you make a donation to the Rehoboth Food Bank.  We can pick up your donation when we come to judge your yard or you can drop off at any collection location. The Rehoboth Food Bank is located at 51 Winthrop Street or drop off at Blanding Library, 124 Baystate Road.

Judging will be done for EXTERIOR decorations only, including visible window displays. Only decorations located on the street side of the house will be judged. Note that the judges may be entering the yard to photograph and evaluate your displays. We will notify you the evening we plan to come and judge.

Participants should ensure that all lights and animation are activated and decorations are in place at the time of judging.

Participants agree to have one or more photos taken of their decorations to be posted to social media and to be published in the Rehoboth Reporter. Participants agree that there will be no compensation of any kind for said posting or publication.

The winning displays will be announced on social media. Prizes will be delivered to your homes. Be creative and have fun!!