What are the extra costs for another School Committee?


School Committee members are unpaid volunteers.


However, there are some costs involved with a functioning SC, such as:


1.) A stipend for a recording secretary

2.) Dues and supplies

3.) Travel

4.) Workshops and Conferences

5.) Contracted Services


The costs vary from year to year, since sometimes members do not attend any workshops or do any travel. A new SC could decide whether to join and pay dues to MASC (the Massachusetts Association of School Committees) or not. Membership is not required.


The DRRSD FY23 budget for our ten-member SC is $57,000.


This includes: Travel expenses, $1,000

Workshops and conferences, $4,500

Supplies and materials, $1,000

Clerical stipend, $10,500

Contracted Services, $40,000



Depending on whether we have a three-member or five-member SC, Rehoboth’s costs for travel, workshops, dues and supplies would be at least cut in half. Contracted Services (which include legal and auditors) is the most expensive component. Since the K-8 schools would be a Town of Rehoboth Department, legal could be handled by our Town lawyer, thus avoiding the need for any further legal fees.