COA Senior Center Annex


Although it seems a very long time ago, it has actually been only 2 months since the tragic fire that destroyed the Senior Center.  In that time, many folks have stepped forward to create a new location for Linda, Brad, and Kim to set up their offices, and to provide a place to distribute Meals on Wheels.  With a new “annex” location at 183 Winthrop Street (Route 44) other programs such as SHINE, Fuel Assistance, and Food Stamps will also continue.  Below are pictures of the office space, building location and new sign, and official address.  The COA board would like to thank the BOS, especially Gerry Schwall, Facilities Manager Bill Pray, and Derek Rousseau  for their help in finding and preparing this new location.  Our thanks also go out to American Legion Post 302 for providing space to immediately  distribute Meals on Wheels.  Finally, we would like to express much gratitude to Tim Johnson for making this new space available on very short notice, and for welcoming the “new occupants”.

COA Sign

COA Sign

COA Building

COA Building

Brad's Office

Brad's Office

COA Office

Office 1

COA New Location

COA New Location